
Sunday, 20 November 2016

Sup' New Chapter


Yes, you read that right. I am announcing a fresh start and it isn't even new years yet! Gasp!
I am aware I posted about doing the exact same thing some months ago, but in all honesty that didn't turn out quite like I'd hoped. It was a step forward in my life where I can at least pay my own bills, but the job in itself made me miserable and really wasn't for me. From there all my time was made up of either work, job hunting or catching up on binge watching TV shows and my creative motivation was really in the toilet.
BUT I finally found a better job, full time and in something I actually would love to do. It isn't art but at least it will make me happy and will be another little step in the right direction. Now that the job hunt is over and I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders, I can organise my time around moving forward with illustration. I plan on blogging a lot more, it gives me more time to think up more ideas and create. I have plans on opening my own Etsy store and learning how to sell my products and this will lead into a great start of that. Hopefully it wont be long until I actually figure out what I want to sell or what designs I want representing me.
This post is just an update and a look out to the future and what I'm planning for over the coming months, so keep your eyes peeled! But for any creatives out there stuck in a job when they would rather be broadening their careers, I know it sucks. It's a crap, scary and painfully slow process but just don't give up on it. It doesn't matter how small that step forward may look, you're still moving forward and that is great!

Thanks for reading!

Chloe x

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