
Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Sometimes when you're stuck for motivation, you need a good inspirational quote to keep you going!

Chloe x

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

I Have Returned!

ERMAGERD!! It's been sooooo long since my first post! I am so ashamed it's taken so long.
It turns out the life of a graduate is rather busy, I'm sure others can relate. You're all scrambling to find a job/internship/anything that will give me any money at all, if you have a job you want as many hours as possible, travelling to see other halfs etc. It all gets a bit much and other things get pushed aside. But I refuse to be lazy and am going to try and sort some kind of schedule to keep up productivity.

Anyway... Tis almost Christmas! I have managed to squeeze out one quick sketch I coloured, now I have Photoshop back in my life. Time to experiment and get back on top of that! So enjoy my Christmas Wreathness.

I hope to have a lot more ideas and time to get this stuff done and up on here very soon! I pinky promise.

Thanks for reading!

Chloe x

Friday, 14 August 2015

A New Start

Well... I guess I better introduce myself...

Hey guys! I'm Chloe!
I started this blog because I recently graduated with a degree in Illustration & Design and now, like all other graduates, I'm a bit stuck with what to do now... Now I'm meant to be a full, grown adult and I have no idea how to do that. So since I have a lot of free time on my hands, I thought why not attempt blogging?

In the future I plan to do something in art and design. Even if it's being a receptionist at a gallery, that'll do me. As long as I'm around that kind of inspiring atmosphere. So because of this I feel that is the kind of direction this blog will be taking. So if you enjoy art and the ramblings of an odd person, I should hopefully be able to keep your attention!

For starters, here's a few minor details about me for a tiny introduction-

1. I'm a big nerd! I have obsessed over things since birth and usually those things are superhero, Harry Potter, cartoon related among other things. I'm not the type of person who will know ALL about these subjects and get a bit snotty about it like some do, but I love to hear new things about them that I hadn't realised or heard of before.

2. I'm a massive animal lover and believe they should be treated with the same respect and kindness you'd want for yourself. Because let's face it, you know people who abuse animals are the lowest of the low and will probably become a serial killer one day.

3. Speaking of serial killers, that is also something I am massively fascinated with. I have a source of useless knowledge built up in my brain about horrific murders and killers over the world. I love to know what makes them tick.

4. One day I'd love to illustrate for children's books. I'm terrible at reading, my concentration level is not what I'd wanted to be at all. It compares more to Doug from 'Up' and his squirrel distractions. But children's books can grab my attention completely! Probably because I'm an illustrator the pretty pictures appeal to me, but children's stories are so full of imagination and creativity that I can't get away from them.

5. Before I started university, I developed anxiety and majorly lost my confidence in drawing. I started to panic every time I sat down to draw anything and even though I have come so far to overcoming it, it still isn't completely gone. I think this blog will be able to help me a long with that a little more.

I think that is all the minor facts my brain can muster for now. Hopefully I can get this blog sorted and pretty very soon and have loads more things to share with you all!

Thanks for reading,

Chloe x

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envye template.